Where we've come from
Back in 2010 a vision emerged:
Ōtaki would become famous for its small scale, sustainable technologies.
Projects brainstorming began at the Ōtaki Clean Technology Centre.
Generating it, transforming it, saving it or sharing it well; ‘energy’ was their theme.
As ideas became plans, our town was invited to name the emerging collective. 'Energise Ōtaki’ described their shared mission.
And so it goes today. The collective is now a charitable trust.
Along with our project work, Energise Ōtaki continues to advocate and educate for better energy living (and sparky ideas).
Heritage & Environment Award, Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards
Supreme Winner, Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards - Kāpiti
Semi-finalist, Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards/ Ngā Tohu Pou Kōhure o Aotearoa
Best Community Energy Project goes to our solar farm project partner Infratec, SEANZ Fronius New Zealand Sustainable Energy Industry Awards
Finalist, Community Initiative of the Year, New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards
Project Innovation Award, Conservation Innovation Awards, WWF New Zealand

Rārangi wā


Ideas to make a ‘sustainable energy town’ and smart tech’ centre sparked via the Greater Ōtaki project, with Kāpiti Coast District Council support.
Interested parties gather
Energise Ōtaki named by community.
Green Chip report reveals Ōtaki is only 37% efficient in turning energy into useful power or heat!
Energy audit of Ōtaki College
Emulsions fuel trials with Ōtaki College Year 12 students.
Solar energy teaching modules designed with Ōtaki College. Students learn to track, harness and store solar energy with 'Sunrayker' models (trapping up to 395°C)
First funding received via WWF New Zealand Innovation Award
Alternative fuel programme (Year 12 Chemistry curriculum) developed with Ōtaki College.
Sunrayker solar system funded for Ōtaki College
10.4kW solar system set up at Ōtaki College, facilitated along with XŌtaki College Foundation Trust. Revenue funds student scholarships
Surveys/ assessments of energy demands and options for local renewable energy supplies for all shops/buildings on Ōtaki's main commercial streets.
Energise Ōtaki Inc. formed
Curtain Bank launched (now part of Warm Up Ōtaki)
Energise Ōtaki interns provide energy advice to Ōtaki businesses
Energise Ōtaki and Ōtaki College develop:
MBIE-funded food, energy and horticulture 'Curious Minds' projects, including setting up Community Garden
Sustainability-focused curriculum content for Years 7+8
Coppicing Woodlot of 1200 willow and poplar trees to teach students about wood as energy source
Energy cubes as teaching tools.
Curious Minds further developed with Massey University and Te Wānanga O Raukawa to include matauranga Māori. Topics include: 'Energy and building', 'Traditional music and the science of sound', 'Transport' and 'Natural environment'. Activities include energy cubes and designing solar karts.
Student-designed solar powered karts win multiple awards at EVolocity competition (ongoing)
Ōtaki Bike Space launched: College students taught how to repair bikes
Kāpiti's first EV charging station set up at New World Ōtaki, facilitated by Energise Ōtaki.
Ōtaki College projects become themed modules: Climate change; Water; Food; Conservation in New Zealand; Energy and humans.
Second 10.4W solar system supported by Energise Ōtaki installed at Ōtaki College. Revenue funds student scholarships
Energise Ōtaki facilitates adoption of retired solar panels to heat College swimming pool
First paid contractor joins
First Ōtaki Bike Space bike giveaway.
Ōtaki Repair Café launched
'Power to the People' converted bike (charges devices when pedalled) installed at Ōtaki Kindergarton, with support of Ōtaki MenzShed
Energise Ōtaki office opened at 7 Main Street.
Rau Kūmara Solar Farm established, powering Ōtaki's wastewater treatment plant. Revenue to be used for energy community projects
Further solar installation at Ōtaki College, powering the school. Revenue to be used for energy community projects.
Warm Up Ōtaki launched to help reduce energy poverty and improve energy efficiency
Whakahiko Ōtaki–Energise Ōtaki Fund for ‘energising’ local projects launched, using revenue from solar farms.
Energise Ōtaki Inc. becomes Energise Ōtaki Charitable Trust
Ōtaki Energy Pulse (Stage One) launched; designing system for displaying Energise Ōtaki's clean energy production.
Ōtaki Carbon Forests launched
Business Energy Service launched.
Kai Power Ōtaki launched
Ōtaki Energy Pulse goes live (Stage One).