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What We Do
Ā Mātou Mahi

Energise Ōtaki is powered by a vision of living in a town (and world) where there's enough good energy for everyone.

'Enough' as in - what we need, and not more than we need; addressing energy poverty and issues of access. Helping provide education and infrastructure to use less energy to live well. 

'Good' as in - energy sourced in the least damaging ways, including being revived from 'waste'. 

And 'good' as in feeling good. We recognise that the health of our town (and planet) connects and affects the health of our communities, and vice versa.


As a charity Energise Ōtaki is guided by principles we’re grateful to Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki for sharing. 

We support and lead local projects on Climate Energy, Clean Energy, Energy Access and Energy Recovery, and welcome new collaborations for people-powered energy change.

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