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WEDNESDAY 2ND AUGUST, 7PM The Rotary Lounge, 25 Aotaki St. All welcome for guest speakers, supper/ kai and seedlings giveaways Energise Ōtaki is developing Ōtaki Carbon Forests; a project to reduce our carbon emissions, provide educational opportunities and community funding. We will partner with landowners to plant native trees and share the carbon credits. To kick off, we’re holding a public meeting.

Guest speakers: Vicky Gane recently finished a Masters study on the carbon and biodiversity values of trees planted along the Ōtaki River. She now works for Horizons Regional Council as a Biodiversity Advisor.

Vicky will talk about the benefits of planting trees for carbon sequestration, how it works and the wider environmental benefits that native trees can have.

Chris Livesey is a Wellington-based environmentalist and economist who has registered both an exotic forest and a native restoration block in the Emissions Trading Scheme. Chris follows carbon forestry developments closely. He will talk about how to set up – and make money from – a carbon forest.

Supper will be served after the meeting, and saplings given away to those who want to begin with a tree or two on their own properties.

We hope to follow this event with a community planting day…

Nau mai haere mai! Ōtaki Carbon Forests is sponsored by Winstone Aggregates.

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